Barbecue Spice Mix

This barbecue spice blend is best sprinkled over meat about 30 minutes before cooking and allowed to dry marinade or used as a dry rub. Great with steaks and prawns and perfect with large flat bbq mushrooms.

Chef's notes

Although this is a spice blend designed for using on a BBQ, it is just perfect for all meat, fish and vegetables. This spice blend is one to fall in love with and lends itself to be combined with many other spice blends.

  • Great with large flat mushrooms, bacon, pork, BBQ grilled pumpkin and sweet potatoes (pre-blanched).
  • Combine with the Jamaican spice blend for an added touch of heat and flavour... devine!
  • Mix with some Middle East (Shawarma) spice blend and rub on lamb, then grill or place into a medium-hot pan.
  • Ideal with chicken also.

Nutritional Information

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