Jamaican Spice Mix

This Jamaican seasoning is great with beef, pork, chicken, lamb, seafood, tofu... almost anything. Rub the spice mix on the food and allow to marinade briefly so the flavours infuse. Use on a BBQ or dusted on roasted potatoes and vegetables. A true flavour of the Caribbean!

Chef's notes

One of the most popular spice mixes in my kitchen! This spice blend packs a bit of a punch and adds zing and panache to almost anything. A spice blend with a huge personality.

  • This spice mix needs to be cooked/heated to release all of the flavours and aromatics.
  • The flecks of chilli add some personality to the blend.
  • Mix with the Barbeque spice blend and use on steaks, chicken or sprinkled onto a roasted meat and vegetables.

Nutritional Information

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